Knowledge Base

Q: If I choose to participate in the Supplemental Loose Leaf Collection service provided by the Street Department, when will my leaves be picked up?

A: Weather permitting, Supplemental Loose Leaf Collection will generally take place in:  

  • Kanawha City on Monday and Tuesday  
  • South Hills on Wednesday and Thursday
  • West Side, North Charleston and East End on Friday     

Although crews may be working in the area on the specified day of the week, this does not guarantee leaf collection at a specific residence on that day. Due to the volume of leaves being put out, residents can expect their leaves to be collected once or twice a season, weather dependent. 

Additionally, loose leaves must be raked to the edge of the street to be picked up.  Leaves raked into alleyways will not be picked up.  

*content last updated 10/04/2024 by tls

Updated 10/4/2024 4:45 PM
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