Knowledge Base

Q: What is Supplemental Loose Leaf Collection?

A: Supplemental Loose Leaf Collection is a courtesy service the Street Department offers to the citizens of Charleston which allows residents to rake their leaves to the edge of the street for pick up by the Street Department, weather permitting.   

Due to the volume of leaves being put out, residents can expect their leaves to be collected once or twice a season, weather dependent. Alternately, residents can bag their leaves and place them at the curb with their regular trash. There is no limit when leaves are bagged.  

It is important to note, the trucks used for leaf collection are also the ones used for salt spreading and snow/ice plowing. Switching out the leaf boxes for salt spreaders, or vice versa, is a tedious process.  Therefore, when snow/ice is forecasted, it the Street Department’s practice to keep the salt spreaders on until our team is confident the winter weather event has passed.    

*content updated 10/24/2024 by tls

Updated 10/4/2024 4:13 PM
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