Knowledge Base

How do I get a contractor license?

A complete handbook walking you through the process can be found here: Construction Handbook

Before starting any contracting work in the City of Charleston, all contractors must be registered with the Office of the City Collector ("City Collector"), and be current on all city taxes and fees.

The Office of the City Collector is responsible for tracking and collecting all taxes and fees due on any and all construction projects in Charleston. If you are not currently registered with our office, but intend to perform construction work in the city, please complete a Business Registration Application and return it to our office.

You can find the Business Registration form here: BUSINESS REGISTRATION APPLICATION

All of the following listed below items must be submitted in order to register:

1. City of Charleston Contractor License Application 

2.Current Certificate of Liability Insurance ( City of Charleston must be listed as a certificate holder) or an exempt letter from the WV Insurance Commissioner's Office (888-879-9842 or 304-558-3386)

3. A copy of your current State of West Virginia Contractor's License, and if applicable, a copy of your Master Electrician License form the State Fire Marshall Office.

4. Proof of West Virginia Worker's Compensation Coverage (Brick street Insurance) or exemption letter from the West Virginia Insurance Commissioners Office.

You may be denied for renewal of your contractor license and/or a building permit for the following reasons: Your company is not registered with the City Collector's Office. If your company is delinquent with the City Collector's Office, or have failed to have filed an up-to-date return. Expired Certificate of Insurance. Past Failure to obtain proper permits and required inspections. Expired West Virginia State Contractor License.

All contracting work in the City of Charleston will be subjected to a two-percent (2%) Business and Occupation (B & O) Tax and proper registration with the City Collector's Office.

All contracting work in the City of Charleston requires a license/registration and permit. Permits must be obtained prior to the start of a project. A minimum $100.00 extra fee or a fee equal to double the normal fee whichever is greater will be charged if work requiring a building permit is started without first obtaining the permit. Contractors found working without the required permits would be subject to a minimum of a three- (3) month suspension of their City of Charleston license.

All required inspections, including the final inspection, must be obtained to remain in good standing. Many permits can be faxed or mailed to the City of Charleston. Forms for that purpose will be sent to contractors upon renewal.

Completed applications for contractor registration and the required attachments must be returned to: City of Charleston Building Department 915 Quarrier St Suite 5 Charleston WV 25301-2607

Updated 12/10/2019 10:14 AM
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