Knowledge Base

What is the Building Plans Review process for residential and how long does it normally take?

Plans will be reviewed by all applicable city agencies. When possible, residential reviews will be completed within 3 working days and commercial reviews within 10 working days and industrial reviews within 30 working days from the date of submittal barring special conditions.

Required revisions to submitted plans will begin a new review period. Reviews may be necessary from any or all of the following city departments: Building Department, Fire Department, City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Sanitary Board, Planning Department.

A permit will be issued after all reviews are completed. Once approved, one set of plans will be retained by the Building Department until the project is completed and a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) has been issued.

Note: all permits and required inspections must be completed, any fees paid, and all subcontractors noted and registered with both the Building Department and City Collector’s office before a C of O will be issued.

A second set of plans, once approved, must be kept on the job site for inspection purposes.

Other sets may need to be retained by other departments depending upon the project. Plan Review Fee is .00075 times the total cost of construction for commercial permits over $50,000. For example, a $50,000 permit would be $37.50 or a $100,000 permit would be $75.

Updated 12/10/2019 10:28 AM
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