How can I get on the City Council Agenda?
You may sign up to be a public speaker at a City Council meetings 15 minutes before the meeting starts at the front desk in Council Chambers. These rules will apply to all members of the public speaking before City council: Rule No. 22. - Members of the public speaking before city council.
(a) A member of council may ask the floor for a member of the public to speak before council, which said motion is non debatable. Upon such request, the presiding officer shall inquire of the council member the subject matter of the inquiry and ask council if there is any objection to the person speaking, and, if an objection is raised, then council, by majority vote, shall determine whether or not the person shall be allowed to address council. Any person addressing council shall be allowed no more than five minutes to make remarks, unless by unanimous consent council allows a longer period of time.
(b) A maximum of ten minutes shall be set aside at the outset of each meeting of the council to permit members of the public, without leave of council, to address the council on any matter pertaining to the city's business. Any member of the public wishing to address the council shall first register with the clerk of the city council, or the clerk's designated representative for such purpose, in the council's chambers not earlier than 15 minutes before the beginning of each meeting setting forth his or her name, the group, if any, on whose behalf he or she wishes to speak, and the subject matter which he or she wishes to address.
If more than one person registers to address council, such persons shall be allocated time on a prorated basis, and shall be permitted to speak only for the time allotted. In no event shall more than five people be permitted to address the council under this rule 22(b). Nothing in this rule 22(b) shall affect the ability of a member of council to request that a member of the public be allowed to speak pursuant to rule 22(a).