Knowledge Base

Are there any restrictions on what I can bring/use/wear at the City's pool (i.e. coolers, toys)?

Category: P&R - Facilities
Our Parks and Recreation facilities prohibit weapons, drugs, and alcohol. Cooler are welcome at our pools but please do not bring alcohol or glass containers. Coolers are subject to search upon entrance. Coast Guard approved flotation devices are permitted. A sports bra is not proper swim attire. The Health Department requires proper swim attire be worn when swimming in our pools. A full-face mask is not permitted because if CPR were needed, it would not be possible to properly and effectively administer CPR. Arm floaties are not Coast Guard approved and are not as reliable as a life vest or other Coast Guard approved devices. Our main priority is to make our facilities as safe as possible.
Updated 12/9/2019 11:27 AM
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