Is it legal for the Parking Authority to have my vehicle towed?
Any vehicle having against it five or more unpaid summonses or other process issued within a 12-month period, charging that such vehicle was parked, stopped or standing in violation of any law, ordinance or local authority of the city, shall be deemed a public nuisance; and the police department and any other agent of the city assigned to traffic duty, or by a member of the meter patrol acting under the direction of the parking system director are authorized to remove or cause the vehicle to be removed, at the sole cost and expense of the habitual violator.
Such police authority or meter patrol personnel shall have the power and is authorized to remove the vehicle by either private or governmental equipment to a city pound, or elsewhere, as he or she may deem advisable. Upon such removal and impoundment, the representative of the city causing the removal and impoundment shall make a report of such to the police department in form to be prescribed by the chief of police to enable the police department to keep the records of such required by section 114-127.