Knowledge Base

What does Transportation, Parking and Traffic do in the City?

Mission Statement: The Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department strives to facilitate and promote alternative transportation options and provide safe, well-maintained parking facilities while ensuring equitable parking services and enforcement. The Department of Traffic, Parking, and Transportation oversees public parking and traffic operations in the City and actively promotes walking and bicycling. The parking management division enforces parking regulations; installs and maintains parking meters; operates the City’s six parking garages; collects and adjudicates parking tickets; and operates the Resident Permit Program. The Department's traffic signs and signals division maintains pavement markings, including crosswalks and bicycle lanes; operation of traffic signals; conducts traffic study reviews; and issues permits for street obstructions and street closings. The Transportation Planner works closely with other City departments in planning, reviewing, and developing proposals to improve the City’s infrastructure and enhance mobility. The Department’s goals are: 1) Increase the quality, efficiency, and responsiveness of our operations. 2) Support the mobility needs of the City’s residents, businesses, and institutions. Encourage and support non-auto modes of transportation. 3) Encourage and support sustainable modes of transportation. 4) Improve the quality of our services and maintain our facilities to the highest possible level. 5) Provide excellent customer service. 6) Use technology to provide quality information, operational transparency, and easy to use services. The Department’s services include: • Managing on-street parking through the use of parking meters, resident permit parking, and regulating curbside activities. • Enforcing regulations. • Adjudication parking tickets. • Operation of 4 parking garages and various parking lots.
Updated 12/9/2019 11:27 AM
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