Ask Us/General FAQs

What is the Public Works department?
Where can I find public charging stations for electric vehicles?

Building Department

How do I know if I’m dealing with a reputable contractor?
I live outside the City of Charleston, can you do electrical inspections for me?
What is a building code violation?

CARE Office

I am experiencing homelessness. Where can I get help?
What do I do if I am homeless or about to be homeless?
Where can the homeless get meals?
Who can I contact about a mental health disorder?

Charleston Fire Department

Does the City of Charleston Fire Department provide CPR Classes?
Does the Fire Department or the Police Department unlock cars in non-emergency situations when the keys are locked inside?
Does the Fire Department rescue cats from trees?
How can I become a Firefighter with the City of Charleston?
How can I get Emergency Alerts from the Charleston Fire Department?
How do I dispose of outdated medication?
Where are the Fire Stations located in the City of Charleston
Where is the City Fire Department Administrative Office?

Charleston Police Department

How do I apply to work at the Charleston Police Department?
How do I check my court dates?
How do I file a claim with the Crime Victims Fund?
How do I file a complaint about an officer?
How do I find more information about mentoring programs through the Police Department?
How do I find more information about the Handle With Care program?
How do I find out who is investigating my case in the CPD Criminal Investigation Division?
How do I get a free car seat?
How do I get a police officer at my location?
How do I get information regarding a prisoner at South Central Regional Jail?
How do I leave a message for a specific police officer?
How do I obtain a copy of a crash report?
How do I obtain a copy of an incident report?
How do I pay or dispute a traffic citation?
How do I report drug activity?
How do I request a release for a vehicle towed by CPD?
How do I request extra patrol?
How do I request hypodermic needle pick up?
What is included in city code in regard to abandoned vehicles?
What tow companies does the City of Charleston use?

City Clerk

How can I appeal a claim that has been denied?
How can I file a claim with the City of Charleston Clerk's Office?
How can I get a copy of the City's Codes and Ordinances?
How can I get on the City Council Agenda?
How do I register to vote in the City of Charleston?
How do I run for a City Election?
What does the City Clerk office do?
Where can I get my birth, death, or marriage certificates in the City of Charleston?

City Collector's Office

Where is the City Collector's Office located?

City Council

How can I find out who my Council representative is?
How can I get on the City Council Agenda?
When are City Council Meeting held?
Where can I find a complete list of the City Council Members?

City Human Resource Department

How do I apply for a job with the City of Charleston?
What does the Human Resource department do?

City Managers Office

How do I submit my business information to be placed on the Masters Vendors List for the City of Charleston Purchasing?

Mayor's Office

How do I request the Mayor at my event/meeting?

Mayor's Office of Economic and Community Development (MOECD)

Does the city of Charleston offer any business development or investment incentives?
How do contractors participate in the CORP Home Rehabilitation program and what is required?
How do I apply/qualify for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding?
I am experiencing homelessness. Where can I get help?
What are living options in the downtown area of Charleston?
What are Opportunity Zones in the City of Charleston?
What are some CDBG eligible/ineligible activities?
What are the general requirments for housing repair assistance?
What are the general requirments for the HOME purchase program?
What are the income limits for the HOME Purchase Program?
What are the income limits for the housing repair programs?
What are the terms of the HOME Blend purchase loan?
What are the terms of the housing repair loans?
What is the definition of a first time homebuyer?
What type of property can I purchase with the HOME program?
What type of repairs qualify for the housing repair programs?
When are the Public Meetings held for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Current Year Funding?
Where can I submit ideas for the Charleston Town Center?

Parks & Recreation Department

Does City Parks and Recreation have a swim team or host swim meets?
How do I register at a Community Center?
How do I sign up for little league teams?
Is there a child care program for parents to leave their kids while they work out?
Is there a dress code for the Community Centers?
Is there a fee to use the Parks and Recreation pools or Community Center facilities?
What are the age limits for gym activities? Is the gym always open?
What are the hours for Community Center playgrounds?
What do I need to know about using the cardio and weight room at the Community Centers?
What is the Community Center gym schedule?
What should I know about golfing at the City's golf course?
Where are Charleston's Community Centers located and what are the hours?
Where can I find information about Parks and Recreation workout classes, events, activities and senior services?
Where can I park at Community Centers?
Why can’t I take food and drink in the gymnasiums?

Public Grounds

What are the hours of the Public Grounds Department
What does Public Ground Department do for the City of Charleston?

Refuse Department

What are the holiday hours for trash pick up?
When is it ok to set your trash out?

Spring Hill Cemetery Park

How do I handle funeral details at Spring Hill Cemetery?
What are Spring Hill Cemetery's hours of operation?
What are the hours you can visit a family members grave at the Spring Hill Cemetery?
What do I do if my loved ones marker has been damaged?

Stormwater Department

How do I report an illicit discharge/illegal dumping?

Street Department

What are the Street Department Hours?

Transportation, Parking and Traffic

What does Transportation, Parking and Traffic do in the City?
What parking garages does the city own and maintain?

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